You've come or stumbled upon this website because you or someone you know is adversely affected by scented products. Approximately 3% of Canadians have been diagnosed with environmental sensitivities and up to a third of the population may be experiencing discomfort.1 It may be from:

Body Lotion
Air Freshener
Laundry Soap
Household Cleaners

or any of the many scented products we all use or are exposed to on a daily basis. You (they) may be experiencing:

Problems with Anger Management
Chronic Pain &/or Fatigue
Difficulty Concentrating, Memory Loss
Breathing problems
Headaches / Dizziness
Stomach Problems
Erectile Dysfunction
Irritated Skin, Eyes &/or Nose

We invite you to open your mind to new possibilities and consider the option that there may be other reasons why you (or they) are not experiencing optimal health and well-being. Check it out. What do you have to lose?

The information and advice given in this website is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intended as a substitute for any treatment that may have been described by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, we urge you to consult with your physician. By using this website you agree to not hold liable the website owners, supporters, advocates, sponsors, writers or any other affiliated parties for any information, statements, opinions, products or links contained within.

1 - Canadian Human Rights Commission Report Accommodating the Environmentally sensitive protects everyone

War Veteran Leslie John Tywoniuk Still (Battles) Fragrances in the Retirement Home and Family Members for Respect

My father, Leslie John Tywoniuk, 94 years old and a war veteran, has just moved to an assisted living retirement home. Upon entry, on my first visit, there was a very strong fragrance in the lobby. One older gentleman was sitting there in his wheelchair and looked very out of it, most likely affected […]

Save the Dolphins (And the Humans)

On a recent vacation in Mexico, we enjoyed an indescribable experience of a lifetime:  Swimming with the dolphins.   They were friendly and playful, and seemed to enjoy contact with humans.  We swam with them, played with them and were lifted high into the air by their noses. The restrictions for swimming with the dolphins were […]

Restaurant Nightmare

Sunday brunch with family and friends is usually an enjoyable experience.  The biggest stress is to find a table that looks safe, away from scented people.  I can usually pick out people who smell like toxic chemicals, just by the vanity products they use, such as hair products. May 26th started out well, and when […]

No Scents Equals Calm Cows

Last spring I was discussing  problems involving scented products with a friend who is a farmer outside of Edmonton.  He is well known in the area for his purebred cows.  He mentioned that his wife likes to use a lot of scented products including laundry detergent and fabric softener sheets.  When his cows are calving, […]

Dreading Yard Work and Back Yard Entertaining

When you are out mowing the grass or doing yard work and you start to feel tired or sick, do you really think it is an allergic reaction to the nature around you?  Think again.  It happens to me all the time, but I know I am reacting to the toxic chemicals coming out of […]

Feeling Sorry for Pets

Some dogs are very smart, and others, not so much.  Why is that?  Could it possibly be the scented dog shampoo that their loving owners use regularly? Like us humans, animals can react to toxic chemicals, feel stoned, confused, weak, disoriented.  But the poor dogs can’t verbalize this.  So they roll on the ground in […]

Why the Baby Cries When Held by Certain People

Have you ever wondered why a newborn baby cries when certain people hold it, but not when others do?  “Do you want to hold the baby?” Then it starts fussing and crying.  Could it be that the baby does not like the smell of toxic perfumes, detergents and fabric softeners κοιτάξτε εδώ ?  The poor […]

Dreading Perfume Sales and Usage During the Holiday Season Before and After

Well, we survived the Holiday Season once again.   Fragrance Free People dread the idea of going to the shopping malls due to the smell of all the perfume products for sale.  But even worse is after Christmas, when perfume and cologne bombs slather themselves with the products they received for gifts.  January is the hardest […]

Judy’s Testimonial

My name is Judy and I am a living testimony for the use of fragrance free products. I have known David for over a year now and I had very many health issues. I had difficulties breathing, constant stomach pains, and very severe headaches. I use to miss work twice every week due to my […]

When Did It All Begin?

In talking with people, David is often asked if he thinks that his sensitivities were caused by exposure to chemicals in the automotive industry. Here’s what David remembers. “My first memorable experience of being affected by scented products occurred in my childhood. This story has become of topic of discussion at many family gatherings as […]